REDESIGNING THE RESEARCH PROJECT – year 3 cross-programme project: Thomas Giagkoglou
Following a programme-wide reorganisation of the research project, Thomas designed a new cross-programme unit: this involved various challenges from changing the length of the unit to reducing the number of credits. The research question for evaluation was to test how well the first year of this unit worked: Assess effectiveness of newly restructured unit to see what aspects work/don’t work, check compression is reflective of 40 credits not 60, ensure it keeps all students, cross-programme, engaged and on track and ensures it leads to positive outcomes, with reference to attainment and inclusivity.
The slides below provide an overview to the project – scroll down to find the summary of what worked/didn’t work around 3 key areas – student experience, student learning and scaffolding/structuring of the unit.
The following information is available – click through for access:
- Presentation about the unit redesign as a whole with summary data presented to the Media School July 2024- here
- More detailed summary of the evaluation itself (slides below are from this) – here
- In-depth report that provides data sets and detailed evaluation – here
- Presentation specifically on the pedagogy and effectiveness of retreat days presented at UAL Teaching and Learning conference July 2024 – here

Some examples of the sorts of data collected as part of the evaluation are her

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